
September 25, 2023

Last spring, Carson Cook had the chance to live out a lifelong dream, 作为一名学生志愿者,与圣地亚哥州立大学男子篮球队一起参加全国冠军赛,近距离观看疯狂三月.

这段经历对患有罕见遗传病的卡森来说意义更大. As a child, he was diagnosed with mucopolysaccharidosis I (MPS I), 一种抑制人分解某些复杂碳水化合物的能力的遗传疾病,可导致许多身体和精神并发症. While Carson played sports, living with MPS I limited his ability to fully pursue his passion on the court.

“我想从事体育工作的很大一部分原因是为了激励其他有遗传疾病的人,并证明这一点, even if you’re not on the court, there are other ways to be involved in the game,” says Carson, who is pursuing a journalism degree, with minors in marketing and history. “如果不是因为‘稀有学者’项目,我可能无法做到这一点,因为它能让我专注于学校,并建立我在这个行业取得成功所需的人脉.”

博彩平台网址大全’s RARE Scholars program was created to provide financial support to U.S. college students living with one of four rare genetic conditions – MPS, phenylketonuria (PKU), Batten disease or achondroplasia. Since its inception in 2017, the program has awarded more than $100,000到22名像卡森这样的学生,他们在学校和社区活动中表现出卓越的领导能力和参与度.

Carson, a four-time recipient, is one of five students to receive the scholarship for the 2023-24 school year.

“At 博彩平台网址大全, 博彩平台网址大全认为,重要的是要找到方法,在医学之外对患有遗传疾病的人提供支持,” says Marni Kottle, senior vice president and chief communications officer. “通过RARE Scholars申请并获得资助的年轻人鼓舞了博彩平台网址大全博彩平台网址大全希望这个项目能够帮助他们实现未来的愿望.”

Students with PKU Manage Time of Transition

对于住在北京大学的年轻人来说,进入大学的过渡期可能是一个特别重要的时期, 缺乏症一种以酶缺乏为特征的遗传病,它抑制了身体分解含有蛋白质的食物中氨基酸的能力. 患有PKU的人限制并密切监测他们的蛋白质摄入量,并可能面临与这种情况相关的认知问题.

像上大学这样的转变带来的日常生活的变化可能会带来新的挑战. 罕见奖学金获得者亚历克莎·布雷斯克回忆说,当她从威斯康星州的家搬到明尼苏达大学德卢斯分校(UMD)时,她与遗传咨询师进行了一次对话。.

“Right before I went to college, 我去见了我的遗传咨询师,因为他们对你自己不遵守饮食习惯感到担忧, living in the dorms, having all these options,” says Alexa, who is now a Doctor of Pharmacy student at UMD. “我亲眼目睹了在北京大学生活的人在偏离轨道时所面临的挑战,我知道我想追求一些需要我在100%的时间里处于最佳状态的东西.”

Alexa Breske

Alexa说,患有一种罕见的遗传病的成长过程激励了她从事医疗保健事业. In addition to studying to become a pharmacist, 她与新确诊婴儿的父母联系,分享她与PKU的生活经验.

“仅仅是这样一个项目的存在,就给了我继续在医学领域追求事业和支持我的社区的动力,” Alexa says.

Natalie Dees, a freshman at Eastern Washington University, 作为一名生物学专业的学生,是否也在计划从事医疗保健行业,希望有一天能成为一名外科医生. 她回忆起自己在高中一年级的生物医学课上对生命科学产生了兴趣. 她的一个项目是研究一种医疗状况,并在班上做报告——她选择了北京大学——从那时起,她想成为一名医生的愿望变得清晰起来.

“I’ve been reading a lot of medical books,” says Natalie, who has already been taking college courses through a dual credit program. “对我来说,亲自动手做手术——从身体上解决病人的问题——真的很酷.”

Natalie Dees

On the other side of the state, 威尔·麦克林托克将开始他在华盛顿大学的大学之旅. Will is undeclared, but interested in computer science and business. 整个高中都是游泳好手,现在正考虑参加华盛顿的赛艇队, 威尔知道这是他北大之旅的重要时刻,并期待着享受大学所提供的一切.

“要兼顾运动营养和北大学生的饮食习惯,以及其他方面的变化,这绝对是一项重大责任,” says Will. “这项奖学金是另一个有用的工具,让我在管理北大的同时专注于学业和事业发展.”

Will McClintock

‘Makes Me Feel Seen’

This fall, Carson’s younger sister Sarah, who is also living with MPS I, 作为稀有学者获得者和圣地亚哥州立大学的学生加入了他.

“我姐姐和我关系很好,所以在我的最后一年,她能来这里真是太好了,” says Carson. “We’ve definitely leaned on each other a lot over the years.”

Sarah Cook

Sarah, 谁打算双修通讯和酒店旅游管理, 希望有一天能提高人们对MPS的认识,并帮助激励受罕见疾病影响的儿童和家庭. As a child, she had the opportunity to spend a day with the U.S. women’s national soccer team through the Children’s Wish Foundation. 这种经历的感觉一直困扰着她,让她想把这种感觉传递出去.


“In a way, a program like this makes me feel seen,” says Sarah. “There still isn’t that much awareness of genetic conditions like MPS, 所以对于博彩平台网址大全来说,除了提供治疗之外,还以其他方式支持博彩平台网址大全的社区是很棒的,这激励了我做更多的事情.”

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